My Ideal Protein Blog

A site chronicaling the journey of one fat chick on the Ideal Protein diet

Day 16 – I Learn Somethin’ New Every Day — October 27, 2010

Day 16 – I Learn Somethin’ New Every Day

This is from the Ideal Protein Website...doesn't that look good?
Too bad this is probably about 20 servings of this stuff! Either that or the dish is actually a ramikin with handles

Okay, for those of you reading this who are also ON the Ideal Protein Diet (and you’ll probably read what I’m about to write and say, “Of course!  I knew that!), here’s some info.  I did not know that you could only have the spaghetti and the “hearty stew” (“hearty” is a relative term) twice A WEEK!  I thought they were in the “once per day” category.  Apparently not.  But my coach set me straight on that today. 

So today has been a non-eventful kind of day.  I don’t feel hungry so there’s nothing to remark on.  I’m not tempted to rip the cabinet doors off, salt them and start chewing on them, so apparently everything is under control. 

Dinner tonight was stir-fried pork loin and vegetables, it was yummy.  Tomorrow is a lunch out – another challenge!  Woo hoo!  We’re going to a sort of Asian fusion place, so I think I’ll be able to get them to take care of my IP needs.  We’ll see!  Another day in the adventurous pursuit of optimum weight.  I also figured out today that if I continue the weight loss at the rate of the first week (and I realize that formulaically that can’t happen) that I will weigh less than I have since before my daughter was born by Christmas.  A wonderfully happy thought.  One that I hope will get me through all the goodies of Thanksgiving and my birthday with no cake.  :\  Gotta prepare mentally y’know… Maybe lock myself up like a werewolf at full moon or something. 

So I’m having my green tea and working on my homework.  To all a good night.

Day #5 — October 16, 2010

Day #5

Anyone who says they followed this diet to the letter the first week is lying out of their asshole.
Oh no you dit'nt

Anyone who says that they followed this diet to the letter the first week is a LIAR.  It’s that simple.  My head is pounding and I am still starving here at day #5.  Breakfast from the space pouches this morning was about a 1/2 cup of something that purported to be “maple nut oatmeal”.  Yeah.  Right.  It was like maple nut glue, and lasted about as long as you would expect a 1/2 cup of glue to last.  In two hours, my head was bangin’ and I felt like if I didn’t get something to eat pretty soon, I was gonna have to kill someone.  I read all of the helpful hints that they put into my diet packet about drinking more water to help with the headaches, and let me just assure you that if I drink any more water, I will float away. 

Last night I had stir-fry, which I made up from scratch using fresh vegetables and organic chicken.  It was great, and hit the spot.  But oh how long the Green Mile is….. (The Green Mile being the time between dinner, which was quite late last night because we had to go and buy all the ingredients first – and the time I went to bed which was uncharacteristically early for a Friday night at midnight).  But I made it and I ate the little packet of “jello” stuff that I had made in advance for the occassion the night before.

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